Tuesday, March 3, 2009

Family Politics

When politics are introduced into the family, there are many sides of the fence that can lead to heated debates. However, children and parents are not always inclined to agree when it comes to the politics of the world. Children, those who are their own spirit and identity, often fervently disagree with a parent’s political views. In fact, more republican families are churning out democratic children than ever before. The same is true in reverse. What is amazing is how often a child’s choice of political parties hampers the relationship with the parent. It is almost as if they drew the sword of politics simply because they chose to make up their own mind. Politics are not part of the genetic code and many children develop their own ideas of political parties.

Politics is the forever hot button of no—no topics for most family gatherings. But why not celebrate a child’s independence rather than scorn their differences? Children, as they emerge into the world, are going to bring more radical politics to the table than ever before. Most of us have seen where conventional politics have gotten us, so why not embrace politics that are not so conventional. What if today’s children could actually end bipartisan conflicts and simply start dealing with the issues at hand? What if the political leaders of tomorrow were those children who came from the understanding of one background and embraced another? How awesome would their knowledge be, and how wonderful it would be to embrace politics as such.