Wednesday, April 22, 2009

Political boxes.

There is a whole rainbow of choices in politics. You can be right wing or left wing. You can be democratic or republican. You can be a socialist or a communist. The lists of the types of politics that you prescribe to are never ending. More and more categories seem to be popping up everyday. Politics have been around as far back as 3000BC. And in all this time it has always seems that you have been obliged to check the political box that you belong to.

Politics is a rigid system that makes you choose what most closely defines your rhetoric and or beliefs. It is not a system that allows you to mix or match your beliefs. When you go to the election booth you can declare yourself a democrat with republican tendencies. I would like to know why that is? Why can’t you take bits and pieces of politics to come up with a well-defined view? Maybe if this was more acceptable there wouldn’t be so much conflict from people with different political views. People that do straddle the fence between political views are considered as traitors from both sides that they are straddling. Why are we so critical about taking views from many sides? Why are we not commended for the ability to look at and accept the views of others and even at times to agree? Why must we be limited to one side or another? Why I ask you are we always forced to check just one of those political boxes?